Vaish Arya Shikshan Mahila Mahavidyalaya is a renowned Teacher Education Institute, established in 1989 under the Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha (Registered) Trust. As a non-profit educational institution, it is dedicated to empowering and advancing the careers of girls exclusively. The college is approved by the National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and is affiliated with Maharshi Dayanand University (MDU), Rohtak. Since its inception, the college has been committed to providing excellence in teacher training to aspiring educators in Jhajjar District. Over the years, it has built a strong reputation for its significant contributions to higher education in Haryana. The college emphasizes the integration of moral values with the physical, intellectual, and spiritual development of young women, shaping them into responsible and competent teachers.
Sr. No. | Name | Designation | Address | Professional Occupation |
1 | Shriniwas Gupta | Chairman | 11/364, railway road, ram ditta wali gali, bahadurgarh - 124507 | Businessman |
2 | Satyanarain Aggarwal | President | 16, sector -6, bahadurgarh -124507 | Bussinesman |
3 | Pawan Kumar Jain | Vice-President | 1192, sector 6, bahadurgarh - 124507 | Bussinesman |
4 | Suresh Kumar Aggarwal | Genl. Secretary | 25, Anajmandi, Bahadurgarh - 124507 | Bussinesman |
5 | Manoj Gupta | Treasurer | 1406, Sector - 6, Bahadurgarh - 124507 | Bussinesman |
Details of Total Land
Available Land Area is 3497 Sq. Mtr.
The available land is on Gift Deed.
- Built-Up Area is 1773.36 Sq. Mtr
- Ground Floor built-up area is 1297.89 Sq.Mtr.
- First Floor built-up area is 1297.89 Sq.Mtr.
- Fire safety equipment has been installed in the institution and it is installed as per Building By Laws.
- Hostel facility is not available.
- Area of the classrooms is 3728 Sq. ft.
- Area of Multipurpose Hall is 213.40 Sq. mtr.
- Area of Library cum Reading Room is 2296.74 Sq.ft.
- Area of ICT Resource Center 807.29 Sq. ft.
- Area of Curriculum Laboratory is 432 Sq. ft
- Area of Art & Craft Resource Center 269 Sq.ft.
- Area of Health & Physical Education Resource Center is 432 Sq.ft
- Area of Multipurpose Play field is 4097.8602 Sq. mtr.