

College constitute an Anti-Ragging Committee to protect the rights and well-being of students, promote a conducive environment, preserve institutional reputation, and uphold ethical values within institution.


Objectives of the Committee:

Ø Prevention: Developing and implementing policies, guidelines, and awareness campaigns to prevent ragging incidents from occurring.

Ø Detection: Establishing mechanisms for the timely detection of ragging incidents, including providing channels for reporting incidents confidentially.

Ø Response: Taking swift and appropriate action in response to reported incidents, including disciplinary measures against perpetrators and support for victims.

Ø Support: Providing support and assistance to victims of ragging, including counselling services and ensuring their safety and well-being.


Members of the Committee:

Dr. Poonam (Convenor)

Ms. Renu Kumari (Member)


College constitute an Internal Committee for creating a safe, respectful, and conducive environment where everyone can thrive without fear of harassment or discrimination.


Members of the Committee:

Dr. Suman (Convenor)


College establish an SC/BC Cell to ensure the effective implementation of policies and programs aimed at the welfare and upliftment of students belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC) and Backward Classes (BC).


Objectives of the Committee:

Ø Ensure equal opportunities for SC/BC students.

Ø Address socio-economic disparities.

Ø Facilitate access to financial assistance.

Ø Conduct awareness programs on rights and entitlements.

Ø Provide counselling and guidance services.

Ø Monitor academic performance and well-being.

Ø Advocate for non-discrimination and inclusivity.

Ø Promote inclusive policies and initiatives.


Members of the Committee:

Dr. Suman (Convenor)


The College has formulated a grievance redressal committee along with women cell which provides redressal to students' grievances. The Committee ensures that the grievance redressal process is time bound and result oriented. The grievance of students whether it relates to academic, non-academic, discrimination or harassment appropriate solution is provided to the grievant.


Objectives of the Committee:

Ø To resolve grievances of the students.

Ø To encourage the students to express their grievances and problems freely and frankly, without any fear.

Ø To promote cordial relationships with the students.

Ø To advise students of the college to respect the right and dignity of one another.

Ø To make officials of the college responsive, accountable and courteous in dealing with the students.

Ø To ensure effective solution to the student’s grievances with an impartial and fair approach.


Procedure to Provide Solutions to Various Grievances:

Ø Students with genuine grievances approach the committee to submit their grievance in writing. In case the student is unwilling to appear in person, grievances may be dropped in writing in the suggestion/grievance box.

Ø The committee takes appropriate actions to the grievances of students and provides relevant solution for the same in a fair and impartial manner. It also maintains necessary confidentiality and sensitivity.

Ø All grievances shall be settled within the institutional premises.


Process of Redressal:

Ø Any student who wants to file a complaint or initiate a grievance may in the first instance bring the issue to the notice of the convener or members of the committee.

Ø All major grievances are bringing to the notice of the principal.

Ø She communicates and discusses the grievance with the committee for further action.

Ø The committee will identify and review the problem. Necessary information and data pertaining to the problem will be collected. The data/information collected will be analysed and strategies will be formulated to solve the issue.

Ø The committee will try to resolve the issue within 7 working days of the receipt of the grievance.

Ø The committee shall arrive at a solution which will be implemented as a means of corrective action.

Ø The committee communicate the action taken/solution to the principal.

Ø Upon completion of proceedings, the committee communicate the final decision/solution to the grievant.

Ø If, there is no response within the stipulated time or the grievant is not satisfied with response/resolution to her grievance, then the grievant is free to represent her grievance to the principal of the college.

Ø Once the grievant indicates acceptance of the resolution, then the complaint/grievance is considered as closed.

Ø The proceeding regarding each grievance shall be documented in a systematic manner. The information relating to the proceedings shall be treated as confidential and can be viewed only by the members of grievance redressal committee.


Members of the Committee:

Ms. Kiran  (Convener)

Dr. Sonia (Member)

Ms. Kunika (Student Representative)

Ms. Neha Solanki (Student Representative)

RTI Cell

(Session 2023-24)
Statutory Declaration Under Section 4(1) b of the RTI Act, 2005

Members of The Committee:
Dr. Asha Sharma 
Ms. Kiran 


College constitute constitutes the Youth Red Cross (YRC) Cell with the aim to foster humanitarian values and social responsibility among students.


Objectives of the Committee:

Ø Promote Humanitarian Principles and Values: The YRC Cell aims to inculcate the principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity, and universality among students.

Ø Develop Leadership and Organizational Skills: Through various activities, students learn to lead and manage projects, enhancing their personal development.

Ø Encourage Volunteering: Motivating students to participate in voluntary services and community outreach programs.

Ø Health and Hygiene Awareness: Educating students and the community about health, hygiene, and first aid.

Ø Disaster Response and Relief: Preparing students to effectively respond to emergencies and provide relief during disasters.


Activities organised by the Committee:

Ø First Aid Training: Conducting workshops and training sessions on basic first aid techniques.

Ø Blood Donation Camps: Organizing blood donation drives to support local blood banks and hospitals.

Ø Health Camps: Arranging health check-up camps in collaboration with medical professionals.

Ø Awareness Campaigns: Running campaigns on various health and social issues such as HIV/AIDS, environmental protection, and road safety.

Ø Disaster Preparedness Drills: Conducting drills and simulations to prepare students for disaster response.


Members of the Committee:

Ms. Divya Bansal (Convenor)

Ms. Sunita Rani (Convenor)

Ms. Neetu Jain (Member)

Ms. Preet Kamal (Member)

Dr. Sushma Rathee (Member)

Ms. Annu (Member)

Mr. Naveen Goyal (Member)

Ms. Khushbu (Member)


College constitute the NSS (National Service Scheme) Cell to foster social responsibility and community service among students, promoting their holistic development.


Objectives of the Committee:

Ø Personality Development: Enhance students' leadership qualities and personality through service.

Ø Social Awareness: Increase awareness about societal issues and motivate students to contribute to social change.

Ø Community Service: Engage students in activities that benefit the community and foster a sense of responsibility.


Activities organised by the Committee:

Ø Community Projects: Undertaking projects like cleanliness drives, health camps, and educational campaigns in local communities.

Ø Awareness Campaigns: Organizing seminars, workshops, and rallies on issues like health, environment, and social justice.

Ø Skill Development: Conducting training programs on leadership, teamwork, and other soft skills.

Ø Environmental Initiatives: Activities like tree plantation, waste management, and conservation projects.

Ø Health and Hygiene: Programs promoting health and hygiene, blood donation camps, and awareness about diseases.


Members of the Committee:

Dr. Annu Sharma (Convenor)

Ms. Kiran (Member)

Ms. Divya Bansal (Member)

Ms. Sunita Rani (Member)

Ms. Preet Kamal (Member)

Dr. Sushma Rathee (Member)

Ms. Pooja Jindal (Member)

Ms. Sarika (Member)

Ms. Neetu Jain (Member)

Mr. Naveen Goyal (Member)

Ms. Khushbu (Member)

Ms. Aarti Garg  (Member)